
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Awkward First Post

Helllllo all. I am Michelle with a last name that a select few know how to pronounce (on the first try).  A first post is so awkward- so I'm just going to jump to the point.  I am here to talk all things running, food, fun, life, chocolate (on a whole other level from food), school, and probably sushi (another craving that comes way to often.)  I'd love to get to know others from blogging!
I strive to live a healthy and happy life and have a passion for nutrition and exercise. Everything in moderation! But sometimes a little too much chocolate isn't a bad thing?...?

Hopefully as time goes on you will get to see who I am, but in the meantime, here are some pictures for your enjoyment.

I will be running the Long Beach half marathon coming up October 7th, has anyone else been training for it?