How has over a half-year gone by since I last posted!? Looks like I'm starting up again...
I came across the company Zietta Clara and decided to dedicate a post to the awesome architectural hardware collection.
Zietta Clara- So Elegant and Unique!
can you open and close while having a brief moment of sophistication and sheer
elegance enchant your momentum?
Knowing you are in contact with something unique, something that maybe
no one else, other than the artist and her visionary mind, has held. This object is none other than the
beautifully glass blown knobs by Zietta Clara- slightly varying in their
authentic color pattern, shape, and size.

one day I will not only sport Zietta Clara knobs, but also the elegant hardware
in my future modern and stylish home, I realize that Zietta Clara has quite the
target market. New and existing
homeowners wanting a trendy new touch (literally touchable) to their humble
abode will be attracted to these products. Middle to upper class families, especially in the LA and OC
areas, will be drawn to the individualism of the precious, unique items. Yes, it is easy to go to Home Depot and
choose simple, and boring knobs for ones new drawers. But if there were the option to place classy yet
contemporary knobs on that carved walnut drawers you bought for half of your
paycheck, wouldn’t that just make more sense?
can visualize Zietta Clara products in multiple locations. In more recognizable stores such as:
Pier One Imports, World Market, and even maybe Home Depot, it would be placed
along the more expensive and higher-class products. Kouboo, a home décor store known for it’s products fashioned
by hand, would be a great place to display Zietta Clara’s individualistic
nature. Zietta Clara could also
branch out to yacht and boat stores, as one with an already expensive and
beloved boat would want to furnish it with only the best décor. Next to the Seal Beach Yacht Club is
the store West Marine, which would draw many wealthy and cultured individuals
to the antique and precious knobs, sleeves, rosettes, and thumb turns Zietta
Clara has to offer. Zietta Clara
can even be marketed to be in private college dorm rooms. The fine pieces of art in the simplest
place, such the room in which one sleeps, would inspire the future of America,
and look utterly amazing. Visiting
parents may get the idea to enlighten their own home with the pieces-but hey-
the point is Zietta Clara has options to where it can place its’ product.
Clara product can be the final touch of decoration in ones room, a surprise to
a loved one as a present, and to ultimately turn ones house into a home. I am inspired by the extraordinary work
of art, and encourage others to discover the amazing creations and designs by Stacie Isabella Turk.
I'm out of school for the summer! Time for a lot of running, eating, adventuring, and living it up!- Not to mention posting on here!
Random thought of the week: I want a Borzoi