
Monday, October 1, 2012

A Tapered Long Run

I figured I should jot down a few things about my (tapered) long run this past week.  Since the Long Beach half marathon is on October 7th, I was able to fit in time to a 10 miler the Thursday the week before.  A "good feeling" run is the best! It is definitely the kind of run that gives you the push to continue training.

I averaged a 8:34 pace through out the 10 miles, mile 1 was the only one a little over 9 minutes (for a warm-up!)  I knew I could keep a mid-8s pace fairly easily, but always find myself jogging along in the 9's during a LR.  This run gave me confidence during the end of training, which is what I needed!

Now I just can't get sick/injured... Last time I will mention that, do not want to jinx it!

Problem: I find myself singing outloud quite frequently during runs... the trouble is that I have headphones on and know that people probably can hear me. There is no reason I should ever be allowed to sing in public unless I'm surrounded by others singing and can appropriately blend in. Therefore, this needs to stop.

This post is a reminder for me that LRs don't always have to be dreaded!

It's strange how your mentality changes when increasing milage. While training for a 10K, a 12 mile run sounded HORRIBLE. At this stage of training for a half, a 10 miler sounds like it will go by quickly. Anything less than an hour and a half sounds amazing to me. As long as some good fuel will be included post-run. Maybe some chocolate to wash it all down? ;)

Fudge Brownie? yes.
Froyo? yes.
3.5 (or something like that) servings? no.

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