
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Long Beach Half and Finally Home!

Last week (actually exactly a week from today) I ran the Long Beach half marathon.  It was such a fast course and I was ecstatic to PR with a 1:36:15.  I did not think I could shave off 5 minutes of my RNR San Diego time of 1:41:35, but it happened!  I've decided that I'll be training for the Surf City full marathon on February 3rd, and hopefully start doing trail runs with A Running Experience Club (based in Long Beach.)

(in the white, not blue)

I FINAAALLLLY made a trip back to my home town; Chico.  When I arrived, it was the first day that the weather started to cool off.  Looks like the temperature should be heating up again in Chico when I head back to Southern California, but at least I got a little feel of a TRUE fall.

Got to love running in the home town.  The smells, the sights, and the neighborhoods just bring back to many comforting memories.

(excuse my finger...)

A friend had a bet going that he couldn't run 10 miles without walking (under an hour and a half), so I told him that I would help to pace him and keep him going!  Pacing in the mid-high 8's, he completed the task!  Talking at the same time.  Totally worth the 40 bucks.  You rocked Daniel!